Sinai Health Foundation Cumulative Giving

Thank you to our visionary donors for their lifetime commitment to Sinai Health (Sinai Health Foundation, Hennick Bridgepoint Foundation and Arthritis Research Foundation).

Select one of the pages below to view our donors’ commitment to Sinai Health.

This list represents donors and events whose cumulative lifetime commitments total more than $100,000 as of March 31, 2024.

$2,500,000 - $50,000,000 +

$50,000,000 +

The Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Charitable Foundations

Larry & Judy Tanenbaum

$40,000,000 - $49,999,999

Jay & Barbara Hennick and Family

$30,000,000 - $39,999,999

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary

Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman

$20,000,000 - $29,999,999

Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Foundation

The Peter and Shelagh Godsoe Family Foundation

Hold'em for Life Charity Challenge

Shawn Kimel & Kate Schatzky

Warren & Debbie Kimel and Ron & Vanessa Kimel

Krembil Foundation

Leadership Sinai

The Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable Foundation

Isadore & Rosalie Sharp

$10,000,000 - $19,999,999

Lawrence & Frances Bloomberg

Phillip and Peggy DeZwirek Family

Driscoll Family

Linda Frum & Howard Sokolowski

Ganz Family Foundation

Marvelle & Murray Koffler

Albert and Temmy Latner Family Foundation

The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation

Mount Sinai Classic

Miles Nadal and Family

Dani Reiss


Barry & Honey Sherman z"l

The Slaight Family Foundation

The WB Family Foundation

$5,000,000 - $9,999,999

The Azrieli Foundation

Estate of Benjamin Herbert Birstein

BMO Financial Group

Boehringer Ingelheim

The Brazilian Ball


Sydney & Florence Cooper and Family

David & Stacey Cynamon

John & Myrna Daniels

The Dovigi Family

FDC Foundation

Ken & Rachel Flood

Estate of Louis Frieberg

Newton Glassman Charitable Foundation

The Lillian and Norman Glowinsky Family Foundation

Thomas E. Kierans & Mary L. Janigan

The Pilosof Family

RBC Foundation

The Reichmann Family

RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust

Robert Rubinoff

Estate of Gabriella Schmidt


Welded Tube of Canada

The Hilary and Galen Weston Foundation

$2,500,000 - $4,999,999

Andlauer Family

Brent & Lynn Belzberg

Canerector Foundation

Chef's Challenge

Ricky & Peter Cohen and Lillian z"l & Jack Stupp z"l

Da Vinci Gala

David, Mark, Robert, Zev and Peter Daniels

Angelo, Jim & Robert De Gasperis

Robert DeGasperis

Dinner with Scientists

The Drimmer Family

In Memory of Louis & Esther Durbin and Nathan Durbin


Patricia & Richard Fogler

Estate of Jack Morris Freiman

The DH Gales Family Charitable Foundation of Toronto

Ira & Irving Gerstein

The B.I. Ghert Family Foundation

Great Jewellery Heist

The Harding Family Foundation

Heart & Stroke Foundation

Moez and Marissa Kassam

Sarah & David Kaufman

Kenair Apartments Ltd. / Ken & Helen Rotenberg

The Koffler Foundation

Christopher & Grace Kwong

The Fred A. Litwin Family Foundation

Rebecca MacDonald

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Janice & Earle O'Born

Ellen & Martin Prosserman and Family

The Schulich Foundation

Sherman Family

Alex Shnaider

Peter A. Silverman, Q.C.

Conn Smythe Foundation

Edward & Fran Sonshine

Jeff Stober and Family

TD Bank Group

Variety - The Children's Charity

Venture Sinai

John & Josie Watson

The Wellesley Central Health Corporation

Joan & Robert Wright

Anonymous (6)

$1,000,000 - $2,499,999



Asian Gala

Estate of Helen Babad

Marilyn & Charles Baillie

Harold E. Ballard Foundation

Bayer Healthcare

The William R. & Shirley Beatty Charitable Foundation

The Bennett Family Foundation

John Bernard Benson

Esther & Henry Bernick

Bruce & Betty Birmingham

Diane Blake & Stephen Smith

Bledin Family

The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation

Michael Bregman & Yetta Bregman and Family

Judy Bronfman Bernick & Howard B. Bernick

Joseph Burnett

Dr. Stanley & Lillian Cash

The Savvas Chamberlain Family Foundation

Morey & Jennifer Chaplick

Michael Cooper, Krystal Koo and Family

The Culham Family

Curbside Construction Ltd. & The Di Pietro Family

Camille Dan Family

The Dan Family

Day at the Races

Delaney Capital Management Ltd.

Destination Kitchen

Wendy & Elliott Eisen

Element Fleet Management

Max and Larry Enkin Family Foundation

Equitable Bank

Saul & Toby Feldberg and Family (David and Elyssa Feldberg, children and grandchildren, Janice and Jeffrey Bly & children, Joel and Melissa Feldberg & children, Bernie Feldberg)

Angela & David Feldman

Estate of Lee Barbara Feldman

Goldie Feldman (z l)

Ken Field and Vivian Berman

The George Fine Family

Morgan Firestone Foundation

Robert & Maxine Fish

A & B Fogel Foundation

Lloyd & Gladys Fogler

George & Judy Frankfort and Family

Sydney G. Frankfort

Peter Freed & Lindsay Collis

Dr. Jeremy & Elayne Freeman

Joey Furfari

La Fondation Emmanuelle Gattuso

The Frank Gerstein Charitable Foundation

Sam Gertner and Family

Marilyn & David Gluskin

The George & Kay Goldlist Family Foundation

Lorne & Carol Goldstein

Ned Goodman Family

The Honourable Jerry & Carole Grafstein

Shirley Granovsky

Grateful Hearts

Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation

Al & Malka Green

Lindy Green Family Foundation

Maureen Elizabeth Green in Memory of Philip Green

The Miriam & Harold Green Family Foundation

Shane Grosman and Miriam Lubin

Grundleger Family

Ciro and Caterina Gucciardi Charitable Foundation

Marianne & Andrew Guizzetti and Maria & Daniel Guizzetti


The Hanson Family

John & Deborah Harris

The Harweg Foundation

Heitner Charitable Foundation

George & Linda Heller

Henry's Golf Tournament Fore Health

Hero Ride

Andrew, Leslie, Lauren & Ally Hoffman

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Humour Me

Israeli Ministry of Health

Janssen-Ortho Inc.

Dr. Jay Charitable Foundation

Jesin-Neuberger Charitable Foundation

Jewish Legacy Foundation

Jack & Buschie Kamin Foundation

The Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation

The Kavelman Fonn Foundation

Bertha Kerbel

Manny Kimel and Family

KNRS Charitable Foundation (in memory of Honey and Barry Sherman Z’l)

Henry & Julia Koschitzky

Rob Kumer & Barbara Schechter

The Kurtin Family

Margaret & Lee Lau

Leadership Sinai Spring Ball

Howard Levitt Family

Stephan & Sophie Lewar

Phil Lind and Family

Jeffrey & Beverly Lipson and Family

Magna International Inc.

In Memory of Earl Mandell

Leta & George McCleary

Rob & Cheryl McEwen

Alan & Elise Mecklinger and Family

Sheldon & Sema Mecklinger and Family

Jim Meekison & Carolyn Keystone

The Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation

Merck Frosst Canada

Minto Foundation Inc.

Carol Mitchell & Richard Venn

Mount Sinai Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

MS Society of Canada

The Muzzo Family


Mark & Natty Nashman

National Bank of Canada

New York CEO Trip

Nicol Family Foundation

The Nuyten Dime Family

The Oakdale Golf & Country Club George Knudson Pro-Am

Family of Helen Oelbaum Simpson

Zippora & Mark Orland

Nancy Pencer

Sam & Judy Pencer and Family

Pfizer Canada Inc.

The Posluns Family

Power of Movement

Tim & Frances Price

Andrew & Valerie Pringle

Stephen & Suzie Pustil and Family

Ilana & Anton Rabie and Family

Raptors for Research

Lea Reichmann

The Cyril & Dorothy, Joel & Jill Reitman Family Foundation

Melinda Rogers & Eric Hixon

Barrie D. Rose & Family

Graham & Audrey Rosenberg and Family

Lori & Jeff Rosenthal

Albert Ross and Barbara Ross

In Memory of Gerald & Norman Roth

David & Rachel Rubinoff Family

Run/Walk for the Best Medicine

Sage Investments Limited/Maxwell & Heather Gotlieb

The Salter Family

The Sarick Family

The Savlov Family

Estate of Ruth Lynne Schacter

Jamie Schwartz

Marjorie Schwartz and Family

Shevlen Family Foundation

Silverberg/Appleby Family

Sinai Health Radiothon

Ernest and Helen Singer Family Foundation, Miguel & Beth Singer, Nelly & Barry Zagdanski

Ada Slaight

The Philip Smith Foundation

Joseph & Mildred Sonshine Family

The Warren Y. Soper Charitable Trust

The Sorbara Family

Spin for Sinai in Support of IBD

The Strasser Family

Lilly and Nathan Strauss Q.C. Endowment Fund for Medical Research

Strike Out Cancer

Summit for Sinai

Sun Life Financial


TACC Developments, Fieldgate Developments, and Paradise Developments

Max & Anne Tanenbaum

Moray & Joanne Tawse

To Life

Mark & Stephanie Valentine

Lionel & Sandra Waldman and Family

Marla & Larry Wasser

R. Howard Webster Foundation

The Jack Weinbaum Family Foundation

Wellesley Hospital Auxiliary

Judy Wells

Marlene & Lewis Whiteson

Estate of William Robert Wilson

Bert & Marilyn Winberg and Family

Jack & Judy Winberg

Charles & Libby Winograd

Helene Wollner Haynes & Peter Paul Haynes

Graham & Gale Wright

The Lillian and Don Wright Foundation

Kwok Yuen & Betty Ho

Estate of Peter Ziegler

Anthony Zwig & Thea Caplan

Anonymous (10)

$500,000 - $999,999


Elkie & Abbie Adler

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113

Carol & David Appel

AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

The Atkinson Charitable Foundation

Lewis Baker & Elaine Kehoe

Harry Barberian Memorial Dinner

Estate of Mrs. Helen Mildred Barclay

Estate of Helen Dickson Barclay Harris

Behind Closed Doors

Bell Canada

The Bitove Foundation

Body N' Soul Gala

Brampton Brick Limited

In Memory of Reuben Brant

The Bresler Family

The Edward M. Bronfman Family Foundation

The Brown Group of Companies

Canadian Technion Society

Helen Ching-Kircher & Peter Kircher


Robert D. Cudney

James H. Cummings Foundation

The Curtin Family

Eli & Anita Dadouch and Family

Justine Deluce and Dave Wiley

Dental Corporation of Canada Inc.

Jordan & Mandy Dermer and Todd Cowan & Alexandra Babcock

Joe & Maria Di Geso

Stephen & Karen Diamond

Duck & Dodge in Support of NF1

The Edward Dunlop Foundation

Mario, Karen, Dylan, Kiri and Cody Elia

EllisDon Corporation

Elte/The Metrick Family


Estate of Ivana Farrar

Fashion on the Frontlines

Estate of Mrs. Freda Fejer

Gary & Tamara Fine

Foster Hewitt Foundation

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

Harvey & Leah Fruitman

Future Sinai

Estate of Avis Winnifred Gamey

Jonathan and Stacey Gitlin

The Goldberg Family Foundation

Andrew & Aviva Goldenberg

The Goldman Family in Memory of Avery Goldman

Gilbert & Grace Goodman

Goodmans LLP

Great-West Life/London Life/Canada Life

The Family of Dr. Gordon Greenberg

Greybrook Realty Partners

Alexander E. Grossman Foundation


Dorian Hausman and Christina Kempster

Estate of Emma Hawker

The William and Nona Heaslip Foundation

Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation

Hennick Bridgepoint Active Healthcare Volunteer Resources

Carole Herman Zucker & Dr. Bernard Zucker

In Honour of James Graham Hunter

Imasco Limited

Imperial Oil Limited

Suzanne Ivey Cook

Hal Jackman Foundation

Colleen & Brian Johnston

Joint Department of Medical Imaging

Moti Jungreis

Ronald Kimel Foundation Trust

The Kohn Family

David & Heather Kosoy and Family

Krawczyk Family Foundation

The Kuhl Family

Sonia and Arthur Labatt

Estate of Theresa Lang

The Lang Family Foundation

Robert Lantos

Leman Siccardi Family

The Maxwell and Ruth Leroy Charitable Foundation

In Loving Memory of Ted Libfeld By Lorraine Libfeld; Sheldon & Francine Libfeld; Mark & Nancy Libfeld; Jay & Sarah Libfeld; Corey & Romy Libfeld and their Families

Earl & Jordanna Lipson

Doris & Harold Mack

Mark & Lindy Mandelbaum

Manulife Financial

Estate of Wanda Matuszkiewicz

Liza Mauer & Andrew Sheiner

Margaret & Wallace McCain

The J. W. McConnell Family Foundation

Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine

Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Surgery


Andrew G. Phillips & Cathy Houston

Abe & Elsie Posluns Family Foundation

Purdue Pharma

QuestCap Inc.

Francisca and Michael Quinn

Julius Revich

Robert F. Rose

Jeff & Honey Rubenstein

Penny Rubinoff

Harry Samuel & Diana Bartolini-Samuel

Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Canada

Schwarz Family

The Albert D. and Gary L. Segal Charitable Trust

Joel & Tammy Seigel

Serving for Sinai

The Shandex Group

David Shaw and Gary Miller

Honey and Barry Sherman Legacy Foundation

Monty & Judy Simmonds

Estate of Eldred Marian Smith

Southbridge Capital Inc. and Southbridge Health Care LP


The Wayne Tanenbaum Charitable Foundation

Tora Foundation, Moira & Tony Cohen

Toronto Fire Fighters Association

Torys LLP

Under Armour Canada ULC

Unicorn Ball

University Health Network - Department of Medicine

Anneliese Viveiros

Frederic & Linda Waks and Family

The Hedwig Walch Charitable Foundation

Dr. Paul & Sandra Walfish and Family

Michael & Lea-Anne Wekerle

Westcourt Capital Corporation: The Kaufman & Janson Families

Winberg Foundation - Judy Winberg, Andy Pollack & Milton Winberg

Windfields Farm Limited

Alfred Wirth

Mark D. Wiseman

The Ray D. Wolfe Family

Woodbine Entertainment Group

Yoga In Motion

The C.R. Younger Foundation

Zimmer of Canada Limited

The Walter & Helen Zwig Family

Anonymous (7)

$250,000 - $499,999


Peter Aceto & Sylvia Sutej

Kenny & Julie Albert

The Alva Foundation

Amgen Canada Inc.

Annual Gala in Support of the Panov Program

Andrew Armstrong & Joanna Rotenberg

Arts for Small Hearts

Baker Real Estate Incorporated

Bay Street Hockey Tournament

Chad & Ruth z"l Bayne

Max Bell Foundation

Jalynn H. Bennett

Joseph & Helen Berman

Vivian Berman

George & Betty Bernstein

Stan & Hannele Bharti on behalf of the Bharti Family

J.P. Bickell Foundation

The Norman Black Foundation

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation

Harriett & Gary Bomza and Family

Marta and Owen Boris Foundation

The Bridle Bash Foundation

Paul Bronfman Family Foundation

Brookfield Asset Management

Roel & Dorothy Buck

The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited

In Honour of Robert Alexander Calvin

Camrost Felcorp Golf Tournament

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

Leonard & Gilda Caplan and Family

Cara Operations Limited

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

The CGOV Foundation

In Honour of Rose Cheevers

Molly & Louis Chesler

Estate of William Leslie Cleghorn

Jack L. Cockwell & Lynda Hamilton Bronfman

Arthur & Essie Cohen

Colorectal Cancer Canada

Dance for the Cure for Lupus

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

Mark & Susan Davis

Deloitte LLP

Leo & Sandra DelZotto

George & Katherine Dembroski

David Denison & Maureen Flanagan

Reuben & Helene Dennis

Drive for Cure

Element Financial Corporation

Eli Lilly Canada Inc.

Estate of Dora Ellis

Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

Minda Feldman

Flagship Properties Ventures Corp

Samantha Flannigan Memorial Golf Tournament

Danny & Laurel Fleisher

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Joe & Budgie Frieberg

The Frum Foundation

Fujifilm SonoSite Canada Inc.

Gaetano & Giuseppina Gagliano & Family

Estate of Max Murray Glassman

Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.

GMP Securities

Estate of Lei-Beng Goh

Gary & Linda Goldberg

Charles Goldhamer

Estate of Helen Gottschling

Liliane & Roger Gozlan

The Robert Green & Kelly Willis Green Foundation

Warren Green & Shellianne Bedder Green

Green Shield Canada Foundation

Harold & Michael Gross & Families

Sheldon & Marie Gross and Family

Estate of Vincent Albert Grozelle

Guild Electric Charitable Foundation

Guys Night Out


Ron & Deborah Haas

Richard & Pamela Hallisey

Ronnen Harary

Estate of Frank Hardy

Edie & Robert Harlang

The W. Bernard Herman Family

Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co.

Alan R. Hibben

Ben & Edith Himel Family

James D. Hinds

Tom Hofstedter Family

House of Zion Assembly

HSBC Bank Canada

Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation

IBM Canada Ltd.

Israeli Cancer Research Fund

The Richard Ivey Foundation

James' First Co Assets Ltd.

Lembit & Karen Janes

Arden Janina Fund for The Centre of Excellence in Obstetrical Ultrasound

Jennison Fund at Toronto Foundation; Elvino and Linda Sauro Fund at Toronto Foundation

David Kassie & Susan Harris and Family

Judith z"l and Stephen Kauffman

Estate of Joseph Kerzner

The Henry White Kinnear Foundation

Erin and Peter Kirby

Anna & Thomas Koffler


Labatt Breweries of Canada

The Jennifer Landa Fund

Latham & Watkins LLP

Estate of Judith Laufer

Estates of Rebecca & Samuel Lebovitz

Lupus Ontario

Chaim & Aliza Lustig

Robert (Butch) Mandel

Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd.

Estate of Alfred George Martello

Catherine A. Martin

MasterCard Canada Inc.

Nancy and John McFadyen

Estate of Mary Aileen Meagher

Estate of Patricia Melley-Coolahan

In Memory of Elinor Melville

Mendelson Family Foundation

The Menkes Family

Dr. Jack Micay

Stephen & Risa Miller and Family

Estate of Katherine Millins

David Morrison & Joanne Cohen

Mother Daughter Tea

Mount Sinai Emergency Associates

Mount Sinai Hospital Psychiatry Associates

Mount Sinai Palliative Care Physicians

Dr. Sanjib & Bharati (Bee-Bee) Mukherjee

Catherine Murray & Les Boris


Katherine A. B. Newman

Dr. Noyek Tribute Dinner

Donald E. O'Born

Ronald & Annette Oelbaum

Estate of Irma Papesh

Party in our Crib

Louis & Minnie Pearl and Family

Alan Plaxton

Jonathan Pollack & Sacha Hayward

George, Marley & Rick Pollock

Estate of Gail Posluns

Prime Quadrant Conference


Morton & Carol Rapp

Raymond-Edward Foundation

George and Ruth Reisman Family

Mark Rivkin & Jenny Solursh

Estate of Annie Robinson

Rock for Research 1988 Event

Rock N' Stroll

Martin Rosenthal

Estate of Irmgard Rosinowski

Rotary Club of Toronto Philanthropic Fund

Estate of Toby Roth

Janis Rotman

The Rotman Family Foundation

Jeff Rubinoff

Daniel Rumack & Gail Burnett-Rumack

Sam the Record Man

Ruth & Leo Schacter

Daniel Schlaepfer & Peter Beck and Families

John A. Schweitzer & Robert Poirier

Kwei Hwa Seng

Virginia Shanker

Abby Shawn & David Shiller

Estate of Margaret Caroline Shawyer

Stanley & Donna Shenkman

Hinda & Allan Silber

Silver Family Charitable Foundation

Peter & Dena Silverstone

The Singer Company

In Memory of Sam Sivitz

Howard Smuschkowitz

In Memory of Nikola Ziva Stanacev

Estate of George H. Stedman

Andrew & Gaye Stein

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Michael & Robin Storfer

Swing for Sinai

Bernard & Mildred Syron


Jeannie & Harold Tanenbaum

Jennifer & Kenneth Tanenbaum

Toby & Joey Tanenbaum


Estate of Ann-Marie Tanner

N.A. Taylor Foundation

TELUS Corporation

Rose & Noah Torno

Toronto Waterfront Marathon

The Ullman Family

Irving & Sylvia Ungerman


The George and Helen Vari Foundation

Helen & Stan Vine

Les Viner & Wendy Bellack-Viner

Shamez & Daria Virani

George & Mytie Wasserstein

Lynda Weinrib in Memory of Harold Weinrib

Fran & John Weir

Allen & Janet Werger and Jerry & Shelley Werger

The W. Garfield Weston Foundation

In Memory of Barbara, Mark and Arnold Wigston

Hilda Yaffe

Estate of Shea Sidney Yampolsky

Anonymous (7)

$100,000 - $249,999


Abitibi Consolidated Inc.

AIC Limited Young Scientists Fund

AIM Trimark Investments

Alarmforce Industries Inc.

Allan Windows Technologies Ltd.

Alliance Atlantis Communications

Estate of Ishbel Kate Anderson

Kym Anthony

APAS Annual Golf Tournament

A. Bram Appel

Asia Pacific Lifts (Canada) Ltd.

Aviva Canada Inc.


Sean C. Aylward


Michael Baker

The Neil W. Baker Family

Michael Baldassarra

Lloyd & Marie Barbara

Arron Barberian & Linda Rodeck

Bill & Karen Barnett

Estate of Michael Barron

Bay Street Invitational Fund

David M. Beatty

Estate of Margaret Linda Beck

Estate of Dorothy Georgina Bell

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - Dr. Zane Cohen Tribute Dinner

Eric & Sheryl Berke

Judi & Jason Berman and Family

Paul & Barbara Bernstein

JoAnne & Malcolm Bersohn

James H. (Bert) Scott

Murray Beynon and Family

Beyond Borders

E.W. Bickle Foundation

Sylvia Bielak

Fran & Herb Binder

The William Birchall Foundation

Ugo & Jennifer Bizzarri

The Black Family Foundation

Dr. Kristin Blakely-Kozman

Leonard & Felicie Blatt

Estate of Marie Blazic

Ramona Blinick z"l Mezuzah Fund

Bloomberg LP

Florence King Bloomfield

Jonathan Bloomberg & Emily Burnett

BloombergSen Investment Partners

Monique and Bill Blundell

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Marian Boxer

Maria Bradstreet

The Bradstreet Family Foundation

In Memory of Michael Braudo

Bregman+Hamann Architects

Kathleen Bresnahan

Karl & Hilde Breuer Family

Estate of Archie Brill

Brian Brisbin and Family

Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc.

William Brody

Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Bronfman

The Buckstein Family

Burgundy Asset Management Ltd.

Michael A. & Wendy Butt

The Canadian Shaare Zedek Hospital Foundation

Canadian National Railways

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Casino Sinai

CBRE Limited

Cello Capital

CentreCourt Developments

Cerner Corporation

Chris Chambers

Grace Chan

Chanel Inc.

G. Raymond Chang

Marion and Dixon Chant

Gerri & Paul Charette

Charlie Spence Memorial Golf Classic

Cherish the Children Gala

Estate of Birte Chlumecky-Bauer

Estate of Bernice Mae Christie

Sabina Citron

Beverley & Sam Cohen

Zane & Joan Cohen

George & Susan Cohon

Esther & Jack Cole

Estate of Mary Elizabeth Collin

Terence & Maria Collier

Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc.

Concord Adex

Confederation Life Insurance Company

Cook Canada Inc.

Murray & Louise Cornblum

James Cowan & Barbara Johnston

CQI Capital Management

Estate of John Derek Crawford

H. Ruth Crawford

Bob & Gayle Cronin

Estate of Norman S. Cross

Estate of Lyla Ada Crossley

Ken Crystal & Lynn Posluns

CTV Inc.

Elaine Culiner

Gregory David

The Davidson Family

Estate of Ruth Rae Davis

Estate of Kenneth Charles Dawe

In Honour of Anna Maria Delacarmen Ramirez

The Helen and Philip Delman Foundation

Dr. Ron Dembo and Family

Dr. Purvi Desai-Haribhakti

Ephraim & Shirley Diamond

Morris & Gert Diamond

Discovery Brunch

Dottori-Attanasio Family

Philip & Lisa Draper

Dr. Daniel Drucker & Dr. Cheryl Rosen

Estate of Christina Duff Stewart

Dusmet de Smours Family

Henry Dyce Howitt

Dylex Limited

Trudy Eagan

The T. Eaton Company

Esty Edell and Family

Robert & Ellen Eisenberg

William & Celia Eisenberg and Family

Jack & Aviva Eisenberger

Embee Properties Limited

Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.

Morris & Herbert Epstein and Families

Seymour and Gloria Epstein

Estate of Naomi & William Ernst

Esso Resources Canada Limited

An Evening of Black, White and Diamonds

Richard & Darleen Falconer

Tom Falus

Shmuel Farhi & Farhi Holdings

Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

Feigelsohn Kellar Insurance Inc.

H. Lawrence & Beverly Fein

Barry & Varda Feiner

David & Elyssa Feldberg & Family

Jeffrey Feldberg & Waleuska Laso

Fenella Foundation


In Memory of Irene Helen Feuer

Fidelity Investments Canada Limited

Jack Fine

First Capital Realty

Edward & Sylvia Fisch and Family

The Fischler Family

Ron & Susan Flam

Gary & Barbara Fogler

Estate of Adrienne Folb

Ingrid Foldes

Mario & Michele Forgione

Estate of Catherine Forsyth

Freed Charity Golf Classic

Freed Developments

Jeremy & Judith Freedman and Family

Patricia & Allan Friedland

Samuel Frum

Sam Frustaglio & Family, Sylvan Cooper & Family, Leonard Ursini & Family

General Electric Canada Inc.

Geo. A. Kelson Company Limited

Bryan & Davida Gerber

Sandra Gertner

Peter E. Gilgan

Alastair & Diana Gillespie Foundation

Estate of Margaret Glasgow Baxter

GlaxoSmithKline Inc.

Glengarry Foundation

In Memory of Max and Guta Glicksman

Brian Gluckstein

Jordan & Lisa Gnat

Stanley L. Gold & JoAnn Gold

Linda & Robert J. Goldberger

Martin & Joan Goldfarb

Mitchell Goldhar

Dr. Barry J. & Helen Goldlist

Jeffrey Goldlist

Goldman Sachs Canada Inc.

Ori Goldman & Trish Domi

Estate of Grace M. Gooderham

Leonard & Alma Goodman

Sheldon & Lindy Goodman

Stanley & Rhonda Gordon and Family

Irving Gould & Family

Susan & Graham Gow

Alan & Renee Gozlan

Anthony & Shannon Graham

Lauren & Gabriel Granatstein & Family

Greenpark Group of Companies Ltd.

Greenrock Charitable Trust

Joel & Ruth Greisman

Grocery Industry Foundation

Estate of Helen Grossman

Paul & Leah Grylak

Johnny & Sonia Guglietti

Gregory & Susan Guichon

Gulf Canada

Yitzy Gunsburg, Fieldgate Homes

Jack Gwartz & Family


The Ralph and Roslyn Halbert Foundation

Stephen & Andrea Halperin

Hannam Fertility Centre

Harry Rosen Inc.

Cecil & Susan Hawkins

HBK Services LLC

Head and Neck Cancer Foundation of Canada

In Honour of William & Linda Hechter

Estate of Gertrude Helperin

Salim Henareh & Ladan Sadghi

Jacob & Dorothy Hendeles

Alison & Adam Hennick

Stuart & Marie Henry

Hartley and Steven Hershenhorn & Families

Zelda Hershenhorn and Family

David Hertzman & Marilyn Shesko

Ernie & Rivette Herzig

Shira Herzog - The Kahanoff Foundation

Tom Higgins

Andrew & Sharon Himel and Family

Hip Hip Hooray

Tim & Linda Hodgson

Honderich Investments Ltd.

Hudson's Bay Company

Estate of Robina Hughes

The K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation

Hyatt Family Foundation

Imperial Optical Co. Ltd.

Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

Stewart Ingles

Estate of Sabina Jablonski

Jablonsky, Ast and Partners

Ellis & Sharyn Jacob

Judy Jacobs & Mark Freedman

Elaine & Jules James

Christopher G. Jamieson

Estate of Josephine Jenkinson

The Jennison Foundation

JNZS Consulting Inc.

Estate of Edith Alice Johnston

Estate of Rita Jo-Ann Johnston

Estate of Ellen Mary Jones

Estate of Annaliese Jurock

David Kagan & Sons

Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.

Jennifer Kaplan

John & Julie Kaplan

K-Bro Linen Systems Inc.

In Loving Memory of Cathy Kelly

Marty Kelman & Gilda Tanz

Mildred & Ken Kelman

Miriam & Morris Kerzner

Kingsett Capital

Henry z"l & Zelda Korenblum Family Foundation

Estate of Jean Kramer

The Kresge Foundation

Savas and Sofia Krotiris & Family

KSV Charity Golf Classic

Philip J. Lamb

Estate of Evelyn Lane

Louis Lasowsky

Estate of Joseph Laverty

Lederman Foundation

The LeFrak Family

Eleanor & Lorne Leibel

David Leith

Leslois Shaw Foundation

Let's Nach!

Leukemia Research Fund of Canada

Levac Attack

Dr. Sheldon L. Levy

Levy Brothers

Alexander Libfeld

Margaret & Ian Lightstone

Jack & Jenny Lipson

Mark Liss & Sharon London Liss

Mark Litwin

LIUNA Ontario Provincial District Council

Joseph Lokash Family

R. A. Lomas

Estate of Barbara Longo

Estate of Robert Loudon

Dr. Low/Dr. McGreer Tribute Dinner

Joseph B. Lubotta Charitable Foundation

Rick & Lorrie Lunny

Lupus Foundation Of Ontario

The Earl & Renee Lyons Endowment Fund

Mackenzie Financial Corporation

Lenore Mackie

Macquarie Capital Markets Canada

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Mandarin Restaurants

Aziz & Zubeda Manji Family

Joseph, Sheryl, Janet, Michelle & Ryan Mapa

Maple Downs Golf & Country Club Limited

Maple Leaf Foods Inc.

Estate of Frederick J. Marker

Eleanor Markovitz

Estate of Sylvia Marks

Denis Marsh

Estate of Gladys Faith Marsh

Shirley & Judson Martin

Irving & Esther Matlow

Geoffrey & Jill Matus

David May & Barbara Kerbel-May

Eleanor McCain

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Helen McCrea Peacock Foundation

Lynn McDonald

McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd.

The McLean Foundation

Alan McMillan

McMillan Family Foundation

Shawn & Kailee Mecklinger and Family

Julie Medland

Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.

Merrill Lynch

Merrydale Developments

Estate of Desmond John Messenger

Dorit & Ezer Mevorach

Beatrice & Arthur Minden Foundation

Minden Gross LLP

Harley Mintz

Vladka and Bruce Mitchell

Molson Companies Limited

H. Myles Morton

Mount Sinai Dental Staff

Mount Sinai Family Medicine Associates


The Mullin Family

Mark & Vanessa Mulroney

Melanie & Peter Munk

Thomas Murphy and Family

Robert A. Mustard


Network Appliance Canada

Michael J.R. Nisker and Family

Neil Nisker and Family


Nortel Networks

Gary Norton

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

Estate of Herbert L. Nussbaum

Oakdale Golf Fore the Cure

Adam, Dena, Shelby & Emery Ochshorn

Offman Family/Art Shoppe

Shirley & Alexander Ogden z"l

ONEXONE Foundation

Elaine Orfus & Stanley Helpert

Samuel & Bessie Orfus

Organon Canada Ltd.

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Rubin Osten and Family

Our Wings to Fight

Dr. Howard Ovens

Donald Phillip Owen, Loudon Owen and Family

Paletta International Corporation

The Pan Financial Group / Gordon & Ruth Berger


Paradise Homes Corp.

David & Marie Pauli

Tony & Margaret Pawson

PCL Constructors Canada Inc.

The Pearl Family

Pearls of Wisdom/Pearl Marcus Foundation

PearTree Financial

David M. Perkell

Louis & Phyllis Perlman

Anne Violet Peters

Wendy & Steven Pezim

Plenary Group Canada

Mimi & Sam Pollock

Brian J. Porter

The Prasad Family Foundation

Premier Operating Co.

Jonas & Lynda Prince

In Memory of Rose Pullan

Pump It for Preemies

The Jesse and Julie Rasch Foundation

Raymond James Ltd.

Barbara Redinger

Don & Nita Reed

Estate of E. Marie Rice

John & Diane Richardson

Estate of Ethel Richmond

Estate of Theodore Richmond

K. Jill Rigby

Estate of Dr. Alexander Charles Ritchie

Lionel & Helaine Robins and Family

Roche Canada

Rochon Building Corporation

Edward & Loretta Anne Rogers

Joseph and Miriam Rogers

Rogers Communications

Rita and Italo Rosati

Allan & Norine Rose

Mark Rosenhek

Steven F. Rosenhek & Dr. Bonnie A. Burke

Frances & I. Rossi Rosenthal

Janet Rossant

Estate of Stanley Rossby

Earl Rotman & Ariella Rohringer and Family

RSM Richter

Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation

R. T. & Francine Ruggles

James Rutley Grand Memorial Fund, Toronto Community Foundation

Sadowski-Davies Family

Sahi Family

Judy & Sam Sapera

Schering-Plough Canada Inc.

The Oscar Ascher Schmidt Charitable Foundation

Estate of Edna Mary Schroeder

Bernie & Caryl Schwartz and Family

The W.P. Scott Charitable Foundation

Seagram Company Ltd.

Sears Canada

The Second Cup Coffee Company Inc.

Robert & Betty Sellars

David & Wendy Share

Shlomo Sharon & Helena Frabricius

Max & Lena Sharp

Eleanor & Gerald Shear

Shearman & Sterling LLP

Shell Canada

Estate of Etta Taube Sherman

Les & Freida Sherman and their children Daniel, Stephen & Carolyn

The Sherrington Family

SHS UHN Anaesthesia Association

Michael & Jackie Shulman

Raquel Shulman

Estate of Ruth Constance Shuster

Carolyn Sifton Foundation

Jay and Mara Silber and Family

Mark & Paula Silver

Estate of Jill Blackburn Simons

Sinai Porsche Rally

Sinai Soiree

Estate of Christine Sinclair

Raymond Sitton & June Wood

Howard & Resa Sitzer

James H. & Elaine Slater Family

Mr. Morry Guttman and Ms. Abigail Slater

Paul & Carol Slavens

Slightham Family

In Memory of Martha Louise Smith

Sobeys Inc.

Daniel and Shelley Sonshine

John and Maria Spina

St. Mary's Cement Corporation

Stafford Homes Ltd

Bernard & Shirley Staiman

Stantec Inc.

Nathan & Toby Starr

Steve Stavro

Estate of Mary Stenli

Strategies for Life

Strathallen Capital

Louis A. Strauss

Stryker Canada LP

John and Shannon Sullivan Foundation

Suncor Energy

John & Marcie Suske

Ann & Will Sutherland

Estate of Katherine Swartz


Charles & Rose Tabachnick

Moshe & Luba Tamari

Howard & Carole Tanenbaum and Family

Mark M. Tanz & Family

Nathan & Claire Taylor

The Laura Mary Teague Scholarship Foundation

In Memory of Geoffrey Tegetmeier Wills

Texaco Canada Inc.

Three Rivers Pharmaceuticals

Tiffany & Co.

Stephen & Carole Title and Family

Toronto Star

TorQuest Partners Inc.

Shodhan & Sujata Trivedi

Debra & Steven Tuchner

Eli & Ellen Turkienicz

Tzu-Chi Foundation of Canada

UCB Pharma Canada Inc.

John & Lori Ulmer

Vasculitis Foundation of Canada

Kris Vikmanis & Denny Creighton

Vista Peak Foundation

Waddington Family Fund at the Toronto Community Foundation

Dr. Gayle Wagman and Marc Milgrom

Estate of Saul Wagman

The Waitzer Family

Marian Walsh

Laurel & Kirsten Ward

Waste Connections of Canada Inc.

Harold & Nadine Weber

David Weinberger

Maurice Joseph Weisfeld z"l & Louis Weisfeld z"l by Gabi Weisfeld

The Weisfeld Family Charitable Foundation

Eric and Leah Weisz

The Eddie and Marilyn Weisz Family Foundation

Honourable Hilary M. Weston

Howard Wetston & Debbie Fischer

Louis & Dora White

Estate of William Widgas

Estate of Frances B. Williams

Sam Winberg

Morry & Sarah Wingold

Jerold & Gale Winter

Elizabeth Wirth

Wise Family Foundation

Daniel & Michelle Wittlin

The Honey & Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation

The Wong Trust

W. David Wood

Wood Gundy Inc.

Irwin & Elayne Wortsman

Yamana Gold Inc.

Yue Yeung & Keung-Wa To

Cecil & Annette (Denny) Yolles and Family

The Leon S. Yolles and Dora Yolles Charitable Foundation

Yorkville Run

George & Sharon Zuckerman

Anonymous (38)

Why Sinai Health?

“I am an avid supporter of Sinai Health because together we are tackling the stigma and shame and normalizing the conversation around menopause and its treatments, as well as highlighting the importance of mature women’s health. I founded the first Chair in Menopause in Canada in order to tackle the key health equity issue of menopause, which has a serious negative impact on a large percentage of our population.”

Carol Mitchell


Why Sinai Health?

“Sinai Health has been a vital part of our family’s lives for generations. It’s been there for us from births to growth and wellness, illness and healing. Whatever our needs have been, Sinai Health has supported us, and so many families in our community, with excellent and compassionate care. It is a privilege for us to give back.”

Mira Goldfarb Blum & Harry Blum


Why Sinai Health?

“I think that what the community has done for Sinai Health Foundation is pretty incredible. When my daughter was in the hospital, I knew I was in one of the best hospitals in the world, so she was receiving truly the best care. If anyone is going through this, you are not alone and you are in the best hands possible.”

Dylan Riches


Why Sinai Health?

“The extraordinary care and world-class research delivered from across the institution is what drives Barbara and me to offer our support to Sinai Health. Sinai Health’s impact on its local community and the global reach of its scientists and researchers is what makes our involvement with Sinai Health a touching and moving connection.”

Rob Kumer


Why Sinai Health?

“I have the highest respect for hospital nurses and their consummate profession and feel honoured to have been invited to play a part in helping them reach their potential.”

Wendy Herman Eisen


Why Sinai Health?

"I have been very fortunate in my life and with my health, and because of that, I want to share my good fortune with my community. Giving back to health-care organizations has always been important to me and I am proud to support the world-class care Sinai Health provides."

Hilda Yaffe


Medium shot of a group of people standing in a row with their arms around each other’s shoulders in a restaurant.

Community Spotlight

Dr. Laurel Linetsky-Fleisher

Dr. Laurel Linetsky-Fleisher is passionate about supporting research that drives advances in health care and — through leading by example — hopes to instill that same passion in her four sons. As the Chair of Venture Sinai Women, Laurel brings together like-minded philanthropists to invest in life-saving research at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute. Through dinners and exclusive discussions with top researchers, staff physicians and other medical doctors who are leaders in their fields, Laurel and her group see first-hand the impact of donor dollars on the future of health care.

Close up shot of a woman in glasses wearing a brown button up shirt in front of a fireplace mantel.

Community Spotlight

Judy Wells

Judy Wells has been sober for over 30 years, thanks in large part to the care she received for her mental illness and addiction — a type of care that many Canadians need but do not receive. As a result, she is championing a $3-million campaign to fund an endowed Chair in Emergency Medicine Addiction and Mental Health. This Chair will be held by a clinician-researcher who will conduct studies to improve emergency care for people with mental illness and addiction.

Medium shot of a woman wearing a dark skirt suit standing in beside a white pillar.

Community Spotlight

Maxine Granovsky Gluskin

Maxine Granovsky Gluskin is a visionary. She’s a fundraising powerhouse and an inspirational leader, but most importantly Maxine is a trailblazer. As the first female Co-Chair of Sinai Health Foundation’s Board of Directors (2020 – 2023), Maxine helped guide our organization to unprecedented fundraising success, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Embodying the legacy of the tenacious founders of Mount Sinai Hospital, Maxine is a genuine champion for diversity, equity and inclusion. She devotes her generosity, compassion, dedication and tenacity to the betterment of Canada through philanthropy and volunteerism.

Medium shot of a woman sitting outside holding three children in front of her.

Community Spotlight

WeShall Investments

WeShall Investments began its partnership with Sinai Health in 2023, by participating in the inaugural Raptors for Research basketball tournament, in support of Sinai Health’s Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute. But it’s not just a love of basketball that drew WeShall Investments to Raptors for Research, it was the opportunity to do good and give back. WeShall Investments is built on strong partnerships and shared values; uniting its team for one important cause was its motivation for playing. But, more than just a fun day on the court, Raptors for Research provided WeShall Investments with an impactful chapter in its philanthropic journey.

Wide shot of a group of people standing together outside wearing blue, yellow and white tops.

Community Spotlight

The Spokespeople

Twenty years ago, a group of Toronto cycling enthusiasts named themselves the Spokespeople, and decided to use their fall bicycle ride to fundraise for causes close to their hearts. For the Spokepeople’s 20th anniversary ride, they chose to fundraise for the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care (TLCPC) at Sinai Health. The TLCPC provides compassionate care to patients and their loved ones during some of the most challenging moments of their lives. The support raised by their ride will enhance the delivery of compassionate, person-centred care and fuel research to improve care across the globe.

Headshot of a woman in a blue dress against a red background.

Community Spotlight

Catherine Murray

Advocate, leader, trailblazer: this is Catherine Murray. Through her work as a TV anchor, Catherine shares financial insights with her audiences. She is passionate about women succeeding in finance and all endeavours and aims to inspire others with her own successes. Catherine joined the Sinai Health Foundation Board of Directors in 2022 and is a key member of our Investment and Finance Committee. She has also become a supporter and advocate for our Centre for Mature Women’s Health campaign.

Wide shot of three people in business attire standing in front of a screen that is showing a PowerPoint presentation.

Community Spotlight

National Bank

Passionate about supporting its community, National Bank is a longstanding Sinai Health Foundation partner. National Bank has a focus on equipping health-care workers and allied health professionals with financial education opportunities, delivering on its commitment to ensuring accessibility to financial literacy. It is proud to be Sinai Health’s official Nursing Week sponsor and provider of educational workshops.

Close up shot of a man and a woman both wearing black against a wooden trellis.

Community Spotlight

Lillian and Stanley Cash

Lillian and Stanley Cash let nothing slow them down. A life-long interest in health and wellness fuels their ongoing active lifestyle. Now in their late 80s, they scuba dive, sail and ride their motorcycles together. Another constant in their lives has been Mount Sinai Hospital. Mount Sinai has supported their family’s health in many ways, from the birth of their children to various surgeries over the years. The couple has supported many programs at Sinai Health including cancer care and women’s and infants’ health. Recently Lillian and Stanley made their second $1-million gift to Sinai Health in support of our Azrieli Medical Fellowship program, which funds training for Israeli medical fellows at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Medium shot of a man wearing a blue suit standing next to a woman in a floral dress with trees in the background.

Community Spotlight

Celine Nathoo

“I think it's important for philanthropy to be accessible and for you to be aware of what and who you are giving to. I like supporting Future Sinai’s Hot Topics program because it brings people in and allows them to understand all the great things that happen within our organization in a way that is accessible, engaging, interactive and fun.”

Celine Nathoo

Medium shot of a group of people standing in a row wearing formal attire and name tags in a large room with blue confetti on the floor.

Community Spotlight

The Prasad Family Foundation

“People who don’t know about the incredible work happening at Hennick Bridgepoint are lucky because it means they have never needed to access our hospital’s services. But for people who do, Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital is a lifeline during what will likely be the most challenging experience of their lives. The extraordinary staff whose devotion to delivering world-class care makes all the difference to patients and their families.”

Jacqueline Batista, The Prasad Family Foundation

Headshot of a woman in glasses wearing a patterned shirt with large silver earrings against a grey background.

Community Spotlight

Virginia Shanker

With a strong interest in the role of preventative health care, Virginia Shanker’s support of Sinai Health and Dr. Howard Ovens is deeply meaningful to her. Dr. Ovens’ drive to improve access to the best medicine, based on the soundest research, resonates deeply with Virginia. With his determination to advance patient care and support emergency department research, Dr. Ovens’ integrity and expertise were the inspiration behind Virginia’s generous support of the Dr. Howard Ovens Mount Sinai 100 Chair.